Interior Stylist
Gabrielle is an interior stylist located in the Philadelphia area.Combining functionality and form in design, she creates moments for all to reflect on the beauty beyond every day living.
For the past decade, Gabrielle has immersed herself in the visual arts through photography, design, art direction and styling. Previously, she’s held positions as Visuals Editor at Architectural Digest and Creative Producer at Terrain of the Anthropologie Group. Presently, Gabrielle styles interiors for photo shoots, permanent accessorizing and staging.
Explore her portfolio, here .
Allure Magazine
Andrea Krill Interiors
Architectural Digest, Clever
Bartholomew Studio
Bellweather Design Build
Bluebell Fine Cabinetry and Design
bon appetite Magazine
Color Shop, Material Bank
Condé Nast Traveler Magazine
David’s Bridal
Ernst Brothers
Glamour Magazine
Glenna Stone Interior Design
GQ Magazine
Holley Alley Interior Design
Jake Dunderdale Photography
Jarrett Design, LLC
Jill Myers Interiors
Julia Longchamps Design
Julie Geyer Studio
Kathryn Davis Interiors
Keyanna Bowen Photography
Kirsten Francis Photography
Lennon Nora Interiors
Lisa Furey Interiors
Luxe Haus Design Co.
Mark Roskams Photography
Michele Plachter Design
Northworks Architecture
Perri Swift Interiors
Read McKendree Photography
Rebecca McAlpin Photography
Safferstone Interiors + Design
SELF Magazine
Sharp + Grey Interiors
Stephanie Kraus Designs
Susie Brenner Photography
Teen Vogue
Tharon Anderson Design
The Windstorm Way
Tipler Design
Viola Interior Design
- Portrait, @Faith Stoveld, 2024
- self portrait, 2022